Raleigh Portrait Photographer for Creative Small Businesses

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A colorful kind of rainy day | Atlanta Family Photographer

I can't get enough of pink lately. Maybe it's because the wintery rainy weather here in Atlanta has been getting at me lately. Don't get me wrong, gray skies are my favorite kind of skies. I love the mystery and quiet feeling they evoke. But there's still something about the pink and the blue in these sessions that really make me anxious for spring. I'm ready for flowers to bloom, and I'm ready to start gardening again, especially now that I have a yard as opposed to just a balcony on the second floor of an apartment building. Photo Says Hello | Family Photographer | Atlanta | Decatur

I think the colors in these photos also have me itching to take more children portraits. I'm thinking sessions with whimsy, literary themes. Little Elisha's tweed jacket from this session has me thinking of London and wardrobes that lead to another world. You should send me an email if that idea makes you giddy. We'll Pin the internet like crazy for inspiration, find an awesome location, and make. it. happen.

Photo Says Hello | Family Photographer | Atlanta | Decatur

Photo Says Hello | Family Photographer | Atlanta | Decatur

And if you're shy about being in the photos with your kids, that's ok, but really those are the best photos. I love it when families play together.

Photo Says Hello | Family Photographer | Atlanta | Decatur

You know what other photographs melt my heart? Mother & daughter photographs. During this shoot, Little Anna couldn't help but exclaim, "Mommy, your lipstick is so beautiful!" I love how children can be your biggest cheerleader, your greatest source of encouragement. They really are wise and grand, aren't they?

Photo Says Hello | Family Photographer | Atlanta | Decatur